Team history #SeasonDivisionGpWOTWSOWW-PLOTLSOLTT-PPTSPTS-PGFGAPIMGOAL%1stwinter 2025UNDER 14 - BORN IN 2011-2012-2013-2014640002000080.0281800.6094thwinter 2025UNDER 16 - BORN IN 2009-2010600006000000.052100.1921stwinter 2025UNDER 10 - BORN IN 2015-2016-2017-20186600000000120.021600.7782ndfall 2024UNDER 18 - BORN IN 2006-2007-2008-20099500030010110.0252300.5212ndwinter 2023UNDER 14 - BORN IN 2010-2011-2012-201310400030030110.0362900.5542ndfall 2023UNDER 14 - BORN IN 2009-2010-2011-201210500040010110.0423900.5192ndfall 2023UNDER 6 (LEARN TO PLAY) - BORN IN 2017-2018-2019-2020100000000100100.00000.0004thfall 2023UNDER 18 - BORN IN 2005-2006-2007-20081030007000060.0213800.3561stfall 2023UNDER 10 - BORN IN 2013-2014-2015-201610700030000140.0432800.6062ndsummer 2023UNDER 10 - BORN IN 2013-2014-2015-20169600020010130.0402100.6562ndwinter 2022UNDER 13 - BORN IN 2010, 2011 & 2012820002004080.0222100.5121stwinter 2022UNDER 17 - BORN IN 2006, 2007, 2008 & 20098600020000120.0281800.6091stwinter 2022UNDER 6 - LEARN TO PLAY - BORN IN 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020000000000000.00000.0001stfall 2022UNDER 16 - BORN IN 2006, 2007 & 20088500020010110.0392200.6393rdsummer 2022UNDER 15 - BORN IN 2007, 2008, 2009820006000040.0193700.339Total:118550004200210131036932100.535